Perth Philosothon
In 2007 Hale School in Perth Western Australia embarked on a bold new project to promote higher order thinking among secondary school students. The success of Philosothons in WA has largely been due to its close association with APIS. The WA Philosothon grew each year eventually involving 30 schools and all the major WA universities. Recently APIS has taken up the mantle from Hale School, and in collaboration with the University of Western Australia hosts the competition.
Taking the form of a 'community of inquiry' students from a diverse range of schools collaborate to answer a philosophical question. Given university grade stimulus material written by well respected academics, students are exposed to a wide range of philosophical disciplines, including epistemology, ethics, and metaphysics.
Philosothon aims for vernacular accessibility and collaboration over competition and speciality. As a result, Philosothon is judged not on how many philosophical concepts you can slide into the conversation or how well you can 'debate' your teammates. Ultimately, Philsothon is a safe and collaborative space that allows students from all year groups, knowledge and skills to work together and enrich each other.
Philosothon also provides students the opportunity to progress to the Australasian Philosothon which is held in an Australian Capital city each year.
$190 per team
5:00pm-9:00pm, 21st of September
University of Western Australia
Perth Philosothon (Secondary)
In 2007 Hale School in Perth Western Australia embarked on a bold new project to promote higher order thinking among secondary school students. The success of Philosothons in WA has largely been due to its close association with APIS. The WA Philosothon grew each year eventually involving 30 schools and all the major WA universities. Recently APIS has taken up the mantle from Hale School, and in collaboration with the University of Western Australia hosts the competition.
Taking the form of a 'community of inquiry' students from a diverse range of schools collaborate to answer a philosophical question. Given university grade stimulus material written by well respected academics, students are exposed to a wide range of philosophical disciplines, including epistemology, ethics, and metaphysics.
Philosothon aims for vernacular accessibility and collaboration over competition and speciality. As a result, Philosothon is judged not on how many philosophical concepts you can slide into the conversation or how well you can 'debate' your teammates. Ultimately, Philsothon is a safe and collaborative space that allows students from all year groups, knowledge and skills to work together and enrich each other.
Philosothon also provides students the opportunity to progress to the Australasian Philosothon which is held in an Australian Capital city each year.

$350 non-members, $270 for members
Tuesday 17th September, 4:00pm-8:00pm
University of Western Australia
South-West Philosothon (Secondary)
Inspired by the example set by the Perth Philosothon, in 2014 Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School hosted the inaugural South-West Philosothon. In collaboration with Jane Kirkham, Dr Felicity Haynes and Alison Freeman, the South-West Philosothon engaged students from Australind to Margaret River.
Being held annually, the South-West Philosothon has sent representatives to the Australasian Philosothon. The competition is currently held at Georgiana Molloy Anglican School in Busselton. The South-West Philosothon continues APIS's mission of enhancing the accessibility of Philosophy in schools and ensuring that regardless of geography, students have the ability to develop their critical thinking skills.

$150 per team
TBA 5:15pm-9:00pm
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
Perth Primary Philosothon
The Association for Philosophy in Schools WA invites you to attend our Perth Primary Philosothon. Select your top two thinkers from each year level (Years 4 - 6) to participate in an event of collaborative philosophical inquiry.
A Philosothon is concerned with big questions at the edge of science and reason. Each school selects 2 students, per year level, to explore philosophical and ethical issues orally with students from other schools. This is a noncompetitive event however, facilitators will look for students who can think critically, be creative in their responses and collaborate respectfully with their peers. A trophy is awarded to the most promising philosopher in each year level.
Afternoon tea will be provided for students.
One teacher from each school must attend.
Registrations are limited to 10 schools only.

TBA 2024, 1:00 - 5:00pm
Shelley Smith: treasurer@apiswa.org.au
Methodist Ladies' College, Claremont
South-West Junior Philosothon
At APIS we believe that Philosophy shouldn't just be restricted to high schools! Under the pioneering vision of Alison Freeman the South-West introduced a 'Junior Philosothon' for students in years 4-7.
Founded in 2019, the South-West Junior Philosothon has engaged 12 primary schools ranging from Bunbury to Pemberton and has drawn observers from Perth including St Hilda's and Scotch College.
Off to a flying inaugural year APIS is very excited to see how the competition grows in the coming years.

9th September 2024
Alison Freeman: vicechair@apiswa.org.au
Geographe Primary School